Our Campaign seeks to have
a public swimming pool in North Fingal Serving Balbriggan, Balrothery, Balscadden, Skerries, Rush, Lusk, Naul, Ballyboughal, Man O' War and everywhere between.

Schools Swimming
Every year tens of thousands of Euro and valuable educational time is taken up transporting kids to pools in Drogheda and beyond for Swimming lessons. Many schools just can’t afford it at all and those kids completely miss out.

We all know that doing physical activities like swimming is good for our bodies. However, our physical health and mental health are closely linked, and being physically active can also be very beneficial for our mental health

Water makes the perfect place for people of all ages to exercise, particularly those with long term health conditions. Swimmers live longer and regular swimming helps older people stay mentally and physically fit. Importantly, it also showed that participation in swimming lessons can help children to develop physical, cognitive and social skills quicker than those who do not have lessons.

Balbriggan is growing at an extraordinary rate. It is predicted that the population will grow to 35,000 in the next eight years. It is very clear that there is a need to invest in facilities to support this significant population. Under Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023, Balbriggan has been identified as a Large Growth Town that will serve as a significant hub for residential development and economic activity of both a commercial and industrial nature.
Residents of Balbriggan have to go to Drogheda, Swords or Dublin to have a swim. What should be a natural leisure activity is out of reach to many in our town. School children who are lucky enough to have swimming as part of the curriculum are taken by bus to Drogheda at additional cost.
The Fingal Pool Campaign wants to see the development of a swimming pool leisure facility in Balbriggan. Our town has a growing population and we believe we deserve the facilities to meet the needs of our community. Currently, swimming is both not accessible to people and unaffordable on account of costs in terms of travel and finance. The young people of this town are being deprived of a basic opportunity open to others elsewhere.